€9,00 EUR


EcoSoya CB-Advanced is a fully formulated, single-pour, all-natural soy container wax that requires no added additives.

EcoSoya CB-Advanced has excellent scent throw and glass adhesion and pours with a smooth level surface and is highly resistant to frosting.

Candles made with CB-Advanced Soy resist frosting, have smooth surfaces, great glass adhesion, and an even burn pool with consistent color retention. This wax ships well in all climates

This wax can take a fragrance load of up to 12% but we recommend you start with 7% because some fragrances are highly concentrated.

Supplied in beautiful, easy-to-work, creamy white pastilles.

Suggested Applications:  Container Candles 


Melting Temperature: Under gentle agitation, melt the wax to 70-75°C.  Do not heat to above 90°C for prolonged periods of time.

Pour Temperature: Cool to 60°C then add fragrance oil and gently stir for 2 minutes to combine. Pour immediately after adding fragrance oil. 

If not using fragrance oil pour at 60°C.

We recommend heating this wax to around 70 degrees to melt and pouring it at 60 degrees. Add fragrance as close to the pouring temperature as possible for optimum results.

Always ajust your pouring temperature with room temperature 

We have a handy 'how-to guide' available to help you achieve the best results!

Try this wax if you had previously used EcoSoya Q220 from the old Quantum range

We found this wax works well with LX cotton wicks, Stabilo, Eco, CL and TCR. Depends on the fragrances and the %. Generally, 8% is a good option.

The starting point for 30 cl :

Stabilo 12

LX 20/22

TCR 33/18



 Complementary information

EcoSoya waxes were a favorite of candle makers for nearly 20 years. When NGI made the decision to close its business in 2019, it left a big gap in the soy wax market. In early 2020, UK-based manufacturer Kerax purchased the brand and these popular soy waxes are, very happily, once again available.

 Technical Documentation

EcoSoya CB-Advanced Technical Data Sheet 

Ecosoya CB Advanced- SDS

Ecosoya How to guide 



Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews

Esta cera de soja é excecional, ótimos resultados, recomendo.

Ana Figueiredo

Adoro esta Cera. Super facil de trabalhar com ela e "agarra" super bem as fragrâncias.

Patrícia Pinheiro

Artigo muito bom

Fátima Coelho

Muito boa a cera. Acabamento muito bonito.


Esta cera es la mejor para contenedor que he probado hasta la fecha. Funciona genial tanto en recipiente de cemento como en cristal. Soporta perfectamente el cambio de estación y si controlas la temperatura de vertido ni siquiera necesitas utilizar la pistola de calor porque queda completamente lisa. Retiene muy bien las fragancias y el tiro de la mecha ya sea de madera o de algodón es perfecto, super limpio. Tengo que agradecer sobretodo a Ivone el ayudarme con la elección de la cera porque con esta acertó de lleno, ya que en verano la que utilizaba normalmente me estaba dando mucho problema. Con esta, se soluciono de golpe :). Muchas gracias y sin duda seguiré comprando.

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