Standard delivery time is 3-4 Working days . May vary depending the volume of orders . Our preferred method of contact is email.
Standard delivery time is 3-4 Working days . May vary depending the volume of orders . Our preferred method of contact is email.
Les kits de bougies sont idéaux pour tester à quel point il est agréable et satisfaisant de fabriquer vos propres bougies. En tant que passe-temps ou autre source de revenus, essayez notre magnifique kit super facile, en suivant les instructions détaillées incluses.
Avec ce kit, vous aurez 4 bougies avec un total d'environ 150 heures de combustion
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We sell to General Public & Companies
If you own a company that operates outside of Portugal and you want the application of VAT exemption please register as a customer, before making any purchase, send us an email to, with the name of the company and the VAT number you registered, so we can validate the VAT number and apply the exemption.